Team India head coach Gautam Gambhir showered praise on skipper Rohit Sharma and said that he is a “great guy” and has a lot of respect in the dressing room. Rohit made his Test debut in 2013 against the West Indies, following that, he has appeared in 59 long-format matches and 101 innings, scoring 4138 runs at an average of 45.47. The two-match Test series between India and Bangladesh will kick off on September 19 at Chennai’s MA Chidambaram Stadium. The second Test between India and Bangladesh will take place in Kanpur from September 27. Currently, Team India lead the WTC standings with a point percentage of 68.52. Their upcoming WTC series includes Bangladesh (two Tests, home), New Zealand (three Tests, home), and Australia (five Tests, away).
Speaking to Jio Cinema, Gambhir added that his relationship has been “fabulous” with Rohit.
“We’ve had several conversations. I believe that the team ultimately belongs to the captain because he leads on the field. My role, along with the support staff, is to assist the captain in every way possible. There will be disagreements, but the final decision rests with the captain. Rohit’s leadership and respect in the dressing room are crucial. So, he’s a great guy and has got a lot of respect in that dressing room, and that is the first and foremost quality of a leader. I think my relationship with him when we were playing together was fabulous. Even then he was a great human being and hopefully, I think it continues that way as well,” Gambhir was quoted in a release from Jio Cinema as saying.
Bangladesh are in top form, having whitewashed Pakistan 2-0 to win their first Test series on Pakistani soil. The Bengal Tigers claimed a massive 10-wicket victory in the first Test and followed it up with a six-wicket win in the second.