Battlegrounds Mobile India or BGMI maker Krafton has launched the first major update for Bullet Echo India, introducing a host of exciting new features to elevate the gaming experience. Players can now enjoy the all-new Custom Lobby Mode, explore the new hero Blizzard, and access the Summer Battle Pass. The update introduces Custom Lobby Mode, allowing players to host their own lobby servers. This feature sets the stage for intense showdowns with friends or fills the lobby with other players via in-game matchmaking.
The Summer Battle Pass, launching on May 24th in India, adds even more excitement. This Battle Pass unlocks exclusive rewards, challenges, and content, allowing players to display their progress and achievements. Designed to keep players engaged with fresh content and goals, the Summer Battle Pass enhances the overall gaming experience.
Moreover, players can enhance their Bullet Echo India experience with a special in-app purchase pack priced at just Rs 29. This pack unlocks additional perks and premium content, providing a gameplay boost and a competitive edge.
In summary, Krafton India’s first major update for Bullet Echo India introduces a wealth of new features and content, ensuring players have plenty of new ways to enjoy and excel in the game. Whether through customisable lobbies, the strategic depth of Blizzard, or the rewards from the Summer Battle Pass, this update has something for every player to look forward to.
With options for both private and public hosting, up to 15 players can engage in thrilling battles within a single lobby. This mode offers enhanced control over gameplay dynamics, enabling players to customise their gaming sessions according to their preferences and strategies. Additionally, the update introduces Blizzard, the latest hero to join Bullet Echo India’s roster. Blizzard comes armed with icy powers and tactical skills, adding a unique dimension to the game. Players can leverage Blizzard’s abilities to discover new strategies and dominate their opponents, making gameplay more dynamic and engaging.