On Thursday, July 4, a massive crowd of fans gathered at Mumbai’s Marine Drive to celebrate Team India’s Victory Parade. Fresh off their triumphant win in the T20 World Cup 2024, the Indian team had extended an invitation to their fans to join the festivities. The response was overwhelming, with people from all walks of life coming together, dancing, and cheering amidst chants of “India, India.” The scenes from that evening vividly showcased the country’s deep passion and unwavering love for cricket.
The Victory Parade witnessed a sea of supporters lining the streets, eager to catch a glimpse of the trophy and their favourite players. Among the enthusiastic crowd, one fan took things to new heights—literally—by climbing a tree to get a closer look. A viral video captured the antics of this unidentified individual, which quickly caught the internet’s attention.
In the videos and pictures circulating online, the fan can be seen sprawled on a tree branch, trying to click pictures of the players with his mobile phone.
The guy who was sitting on the tree, scared the Indian players. 🤣 pic.twitter.com/PPI0NbSO9F
— Mufaddal Vohra (@mufaddal_vohra) July 4, 2024
Cheeku asking hittu to see the fan who climbed up the tree😭😭❤ pic.twitter.com/CYWYZgelSW
— 2nd Icc Trophy win when Rohit (@49thTonWhenRo) July 4, 2024
“Bro will remember this for a long time,” another one wrote.
Bro will remember this for a long time
— R A T N I S H (@LoyalSachinFan) July 4, 2024
In the meantime, Rohit Sharma and his boys were on the team bus, acknowledging the crowd and waving and cheering for fans as they made their way to the Wankhede Stadium. Everyone was provided free entry to the felicitation event at the stadium on a first-come, first-served basis.
Having been stuck in Barbados due to Hurricane Beryl, the Men in Blue were brought home on a specially arranged charter flight. They initially met Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Delhi and later arrived in Mumbai, as promised. The players received a rousing welcome from the supporters, whose spirits were not dampened despite the heavy rain and congested routes. Students, office-goers, children, and even families took part in Team India’s Victory Parade.
On June 29, India triumphed over South Africa by 7 runs in the final match of the T20 World Cup 2024 at the Kensington Oval in Barbados.