Virat Kohli, Rohit Sharma and other Indian players gave Rahul Dravid an iconic farewell after the Men In Blue won the T20 World Cup on Saturday. Team India lifted the head coach on their shoulders as they celebrated the victory. Dravid had announced that he will step down from his post after the tournament in the Barbados and USA.
Virat Kohli, Rohit Sharma and other Indian players gave Rahul Dravid an iconic farewell after the Men In Blue won the T20 World Cup on Saturday. Team India lifted the head coach on their shoulders as they celebrated the victory. Dravid had announced that he will step down from his post after the tournament in the Barbados and USA.
After Indian players, coaches and other staff members did a lap of honour around the Kensington Oval, Kohli along with several other players lifted Rahul Dravid on their shoulders. The Indian No 18 had given a similar farewell to Sachin Tendulkar after India won the 2011 World Cup.